Dead Vagina Syndrome: What’s behind the hysteria?

Everyone is talking about the “dead vagina syndrome”. Supposedly, women no longer come to orgasm if they masturbate too often. Truth or hysteria?

Masturbating makes you blind, deaf, stupid. These prejudices have been heard by just about everyone and have one thing in common: they are complete nonsense. Masturbation is something quite natural and no longer something to be ashamed of.

Currently, however, a new rumor dominates the Internet, which unsettles women. Those who masturbate too often with a vibrator are said to lose the ability to orgasm. In other words, you can still climax, but more difficult and less intense. The phenomenon is known as “dead vagina syndrome”.

The syndrome is explained by the fact that nerves are dulled by the strong vibrations and should be damaged in the long term. In fact, sex toys trigger movements that cannot be achieved with manual stimulation or penetration. Many women who use a vibrator for the first time find the vibration very extreme. Over time, the body gets used to the stimulation.

Can masturbation really lead to “dead vagina syndrome”?

Which brings us to the key question: The habituation effect has nothing to do with nerve damage. In fact, numbness can occur after masturbation – but these are merely after-effects of orgasm. So the “dead vagina syndrome” is nothing but a rumor. Also, the ability to orgasm is not limited by the use of sex toys or frequent masturbation. On the contrary, many women can climax better even during intercourse if they have already had experience with themselves. They know what they like and which orgasm buttons want to be pushed. In addition, we have learned: masturbating is healthy – and fights pain

So, dear women: Neither you nor your clitoris will go numb from masturbating. And if you do, it will only be for a short time, because you experienced a wonderful orgasm beforehand. Speaking of which, do you already know our erotic stories?

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